Sold goats, buying pigs

Farming is about learning what works for the goals of the farm. We have thought about pigs before and have been on the fence about it for some time. This Sunday we plan to pick up KuneKune pigs from a reputable breeder in Garland, Maine. We have a pen and house that’s been ready for a week—I’m a bit excited!

I recently decided less goats equals less stress and lessons the costs of grain and hay through the winter. Two bred does are pending sale this weekend and all of our kids are for sale. I have decided not to keep any of the kids.

We have four goats to milk right now and my hands start to cramp at three. The two that are leaving are the herd instigators. They are the only ones who jump on fencing and rush the gate when I open it. Both are due in June. Goats are yet to be profitable here. When they are I might add some to the herd, but for now this is better.

milking stand at wheaton mountain farm in bucksport maine nubuan

Selling the two does is going to be a hard one for me. I raised both since they were babies. I had to pull Lucy Lu from her mother after a difficult birth. They are mother and daughter and are tightly bonded. At least they go together.

I have been having second thoughts and feel quite emotional over it. Easy Girl is my youngest son’s favorite goat. He calls her his goat. I broke the news to him today. He was upset but didn’t seem to dwell on it too much.

Our source of free scrap bread dried up this week right before picking up our pigs we already paid deposits for. That’s how it goes, right? They said it would be at least a month before we get more scraps. We didn’t figure a lot of grain into the pig equation and there’s to pasture yet to rotate them on. I’m sure we will figure it out. We always do.

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