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Website sidebar ads show on all pages without scrolling down on a desktop/laptop screen for $20/month. They are the first ad to show when scrolling on a mobile device.

A full-column ad in our digital publication is $48 with an $42/month renewal. This ad is a 500-word or less business intro/about us blurb with one photo and a logo. It covers a 10.5 x 4″ column.

A block ad in our digital publication is $35 with an $30/month renewal. This ad covers a 4 x 4″ area. Example below:

Email blasts sent to our 6,800+ subscribers are available every two weeks for $120. They are fully-dedicated to introducing your business with three images and an about us/what you offer in 500-words or less with links.

Affiliate links in posts and in-article shout outs are $20 each and are also sent to our subscribers.

Dedicated pages permanently kept in our archives are $120. They are mentioned once in an email blast and shared once on social media. Paid ad pages can be added to our top menu for $220/month. Example page: Free PDF Chicken Coop Plans

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