Treating Cough and Wheezing in Chickens
Sudden changes in weather in Maine with cold snaps below zero one week and heavy rain the next can take a toll on flocks. A few days back five pullets View Article
Indoor Gardening for Winter
The premise of the indoor growing began with marijuana—that became the framework for the indoor vegetable and herb garden. I needed to keep one mother plant going through the winter View Article
Wheaton Mountain Farm stays in Bucksport Maine: HATCHING EGGS BY MAIL SALE
Wheaton Mountain Farm stays in Bucksport Maine and will be ready for our 2020 kidding and hatching seasons! We will yet again offer hatching eggs by mail and have Nubian View Article
Happy Thanksgiving to All Americans, Native or Not.
Turkey, corn, squash and apples? Thanks Indians. Stupid hats? Thanks Pilgrims. Our land is filled with so many cultures, religions, colors, and political viewpoints that it’s hard to generalize any View Article
Still winter, gah
This has been a strange winter so far. We’ve had snowstorms immediately followed by rain and melt all the snow. We had a weekend of mucky roads where we decided View Article
Prepare for the Big Freeze
The end of this week the sky shall fall white flecks of doom. Oh yes, it’s coming. Soon we’ll all be waving our hunter orange hats in destain while screaming View Article
Freezing Mist Afoot: Winter in Maine
As I write this, a fine mist clings to the goat’s house and chicken coop. Larger drops slip through as they gain momentum and gather droplets. It’s 26°f and layers View Article