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Frizzle & Smooth d’Uccle Booted Bantams

Article LAST UPDATED September 22, 2022

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  • mille fleur d'uccle Belgian booted bantam hatching eggs
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  • frizzle mille fleur d'uccle Belgian booted bantam hatching eggs
  • mille fleur d'uccle Belgian booted bantam hatching eggs

I’d like to think of myself as this stoic hardass Maine farm-her, but man, I am becoming obsessed with these adorable d’Uccle Booted Bantams. I mean, just look at them! How could you not be obsessed? Those two-color freckles and fuzzy cheeks are out of a muppet movie—and they have “snowshoes” for feet, as my neighbor pointed out is perfect for winter in Maine.

d'uccle booted bantam chicks in maine
d’Uccle Booted bantam roosters

I said I’d never have bantams. They are pointless, right? Tiny eggs, low production, and the roosters aren’t worth processing. I scoffed at the silly little things for years.

d'uccle booted bantam chicks in maine
Both smooth and frizzle d’Uccle Booted Bantams are adorable. The beards and cheeks are more obvious in the smooth birds.

That is, until my chicken partner in crime, Laurie, and I went to a chicken show last year. I fell in love with this pint-sized breed. They have the feathered legs and feet like Marans, cheeks like Ameraucana, and the cute-factor of Polish. What’s not to love? I especially love how many colors they come in.

What are d’Uccles like?

I have asked around, and these are some of the things I’m hearing about these beauts: Frizzle d’Uccle Booted Bantams are some of the sweetest, calmest and friendliest breeds of chicken. They enjoy snuggling up for naps on your lap, nibbling treats from your hand, and are excellent with small children.

Belgian d’Uccle chickens make excellent broody-mamas and are devoted to raising their broods––saving you the hassle of keeping a brooder. Frizzle d’Uccle Booted bantams cannot fly as high or as far as their smooth counterparts.

Want to know when d’Uccle are available? Get updates 2 days before public release. First dibs on egg preorders, chick reservations, surplus deals, and upcoming sales go to subscribers first. I won’t send you spammy crap, promise. Enter your information below:

This is an excellent breed for children to raise as pets or for a 4H program. They are easy to handle, not jumpy and kind. Our youngest son, farmer Danny, is nearly nine-years-old. He has a real sweet spot for chickens, and is interested in learning the trade. He will be taking some of the responsibility for these birds. He has his own incubator, a little notebook to keep notes on specific birds, and will be learning to make hard choices about which birds to breed. It’s important kids go into it knowing they can’t save all the roosters.

mandy wheaton holding a frizzle d'uccle booted bantam
Mandy holding a frizzled d’Uccles Mille Fleur pullet

Belgian d’Uccle Booted Bantams produce about 120-160 eggs annually, depending on what source you read. The roosters weigh in at just under two pounds, and are cute as a damn button.

I was shocked when I saw one fly straight up to the top of a 6-foot tall quail hutch at only 14 weeks old. He was watching me feed the celadon quail mealworms and wasn’t about to be left out. From then on I began to feed the d’Uccle Booted Bantams mealworms before the quails.

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