We will have chicks available
Sunday in Bangor at Cascade Park from 1-2PM
Colorful Egg Layers! French Black Copper Marans, Olive & Easter Eggers
So I’m not sure who’s been watching our chicken drama unfold, BUT we were told our chickens would ALL have to be culled. We rightfully panicked and STUFFED our incubator.
Not to worry, I didn’t have to kill my flock after all. Thank goodness!
An upper respiratory infection was misdiagnosed by a lab where (as a worried chicken mama) I’b brought in two older chicks who’d died within a day of each other.
They called on a Saturday to tell me I would have to kill them all, very frankly. On the following Monday they called and said they hoped I hadn’t killed them—because there was nothing wrong. They never even apologized! At that point, everything I had been planning to ship and sell locally had already been crammed into our incubator leaving us with more chicks than expected.
Then, to my surprise, a large order for mixed chicks fell though too.
So, yeah, in an eggshell (see what I did there) it was nothing to worry over. But now we have more chicks than we expected to have this early in the season. They are a great mix of colorful layers and chicks have a fun variety of markings, aside from the Marans who all look like tiny, fluffy penguins to me!
Our regular prices are $15 for marans and $8 for Olive and Easter Eggers. This Sunday they will drop to $12 & $5. No holds, just come and pick up your spring fuzzy-butts.
BUT: We take roosters back ONLY on our poultry processing workshop days a few times in the late spring through fall.
No holds, first come first serve only folks!
Our Ameraucana chicks will not be available for a couple more weeks. They have been rotated out of the Olive Egger program and put back in their love shack with their Black Ameraucana “Rumpelstiltskin”. Our Olive and Easter Eggers do have Ameraucana genetics but lay a variety of shades—but not the reliable pure baby blue the breed is known for.
Bring a small box, not too big so they won’t get cold. Cuddling keeps them warm. If you have a longer trip, make sure it’s lined with a towel or rag to help insulate and keep them from sliding around.
They have been raised on medicated chick crumble and used a traditional waterer—not a dripper. Have a brooder ready at your home BEFORE picking them up.
Kids are welcome to just visit and see the chicks. Just NO little kids picking them up please. I’m not sure why, but the urge to squeeze them is strong in the wee-little ones.