Easter Egger and Ameraucna flock in maine early spring mud season april free range in tall grass

Magical Sinkholes

Well, I was fine with the sinkhole that magically drained our driveway. The dooryard looked like a soggy bowl of forgotten Cocoa Puffs for a week. It rained by day View Article

easy girl goat nubian at wheaton mountain farm with mandy wheaton in maine doelings for sale ADGA

We are Moving

For many reasons, both practical and personal we are finding a new home for our herd to roam. Beyond personal reasons, it sure would be nice to have our own View Article

55 flowery hatching eggs for sale

Finding the Best Autosexing, Rare and Fancy Chicken Breeds

What we’re looking at for 2023 breeds:

55 Flowery Hen
Black Ameraucana
Lavender Ameraucana
Black Copper Marans
F1/F2 Olive Egger
Cream Legbar
Opal Legbar
Mille Fluer d’Uccle
Frizzle d’Uccle
Gold Bielefelder
Polish (multiple colors)
Frizzle Polish

a pair of bielefelder chickens on wheaton mountain farm

Golden Bielefelder

This dual purpose autosexing breed is an excellent choice for a homestead. They are curious and gentle, making them a good choice for farms with small children. By only five months of age, the roosters were by far the largest we have ever raised here on the mountain, and have never had an argument.