I had never seen a quail in person, let alone a teeny, weeny hatchling before. And the second I peered into the incubator and say the floofy little chick I View Article
We are planning a vacation and hatching eggs road trip up the east coast following big life changes
5/20/2022 UPDATE: WE RETURNED ON MAY 14th WITH 261-EGGS AND THEY ARE IN THE INCUBATOR! We traveled a total of 2,968-miles in six days while camping in a pickup truck View Article
Getting started with quail
Getting started with quail is so simple, and we are offering a quick set up kit. We picked celadon quail eggs up on our insane road trip this May. They View Article
About Celadon Quail
Tired of waiting for your chickens to lay eggs? Most chicken breeds take 21 days to hatch then another 6-8 months to lay eggs. Celadon quail hatch in only 17 days and start laying between 6-8 weeks old. Males can be harvested between 5-6 weeks as a food source.
Quail egg and meat nutritional facts: a complete overview for your health
This article is based on widely-ranging research, peer-reviewed articles, trustworthy news sources, and curated for the sole purpose of education. Each section, graph, and list is immediately followed by hyperlinked View Article