a pair of bielefelder chickens on wheaton mountain farm

Golden Bielefelder

This dual purpose autosexing breed is an excellent choice for a homestead. They are curious and gentle, making them a good choice for farms with small children. By only five months of age, the roosters were by far the largest we have ever raised here on the mountain, and have never had an argument.

golden crele legbar pullets have orange feathers and smaller rounded crests

Autosexing Olive Eggers: Golden Bielefelder x Cream Crested Legbar Olive Egger

Many offspring produced from Cream Crested Legbar imported to the US in 2010 developed warm tones in their feathering setting them apart from the imported pastel and gray toned Cream birds. These Legbar were established as a US variety, Golden Crele Legbar. They are currently housed with the Cream, offering a 50/50 chance of variety color. They retain their autosexing and colorful eggs, just look different than their Cream cousins.

55 Flowery Hen lay white eggs and are an autosexing breed of chicken

55 Flowery Hen

The gorgeous 55 Flowery Hen have marking similar to Speckled Sussex, boast jumbo pure white eggs, excellent feed conversion, a calm personality, and are more friendly than the Legbar.